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Based on 3Q 2019 Result & 3rd Jan 2020 Closing Price. Click to Enlarge |
** Lendlease Global Commercial REIT result not release yet.
The above table is extracted from spreadsheet in SREITs Data page.
Dividend Yield:
Yield | Average | Median | Lowest | Highest |
Healthcare | 6.27% | 6.27% | 3.94% | 8.6% |
Retail | 6.43% | 6.21% | 4.3% | 8.93% |
Office | 5.73% | 5.75% | 3.88% | 7.28% |
Hospitality | 7.12% | 5.83% | 5.15% | 11.67% |
Industrial | 6.09% | 5.92% | 3.62% | 8.95% |
Logistics | 6.99% | 7.51% | 4.71% | 8.25% |
* Based on REIT Major Sector
Financial Metrics:
Financial Metrics | Unit | Average | Median | Lowest | Highest |
Price/ NAV | time | 1.1 | 1.07 | 0.61 | 1.94 |
Market Cap, B | S$ | 2.58 | 1.84 | 0.35 | 9.28 |
Property Yield (Annualized) | % | 5.88 | 5.86 | 3.34 | 9.13 |
Distribution on Management Fees | time | 8.25 | 8.06 | 3.84 | 20.56 |
Distribution on Capital (Annualized) | % | 4.07 | 4.1 | 1.59 | 5.86 |
Distribution Margin | % | 51.38 | 55.59 | 21.66 | 69.72 |
* SREITs in Foreign Currencies converted to SGD to Market Cap Comparison
Lease Profile:
Lease Profile | Unit | Average | Median | Lowest | Highest |
Portfolio Occupancy | % | 95.54 | 96.74 | 84.27 | 100 |
Revenue Per Available Unit, RevPAU | S$ | 155.21 | 148.01 | 132.49 | 201.52 |
Income Received in SGD/Major Currencies | % | 77.94 | 100 | 0 | 100 |
Highest Lease Maturity in 5 Years | % | 25.14 | 22 | 13.4 | 68.8 |
Weighted Average Lease Expiry, WALE | year | 4.5 | 4.05 | 1.4 | 14.3 |
Weighted Average Land Lease Expiry | year | 66.67 | 72.42 | 23.62 | 99 |
Debt Profile:
Debt Profile | Unit | Average | Median | Lowest | Highest |
Interest Cover Ratio | time | 5.21 | 4.66 | 2.93 | 12.51 |
Cost of Debt | % | 3.24 | 2.99 | 1.01 | 6.19 |
Fixed Debt over Total Debt | % | 74.59 | 78.9 | 12.66 | 98.57 |
Unsecured Debt over Total Debt | % | 59.34 | 81.19 | 0 | 100 |
Gearing Ratio | % | 35.2 | 36.2 | 27.5 | 41.6 |
Highest Debt Expiry in 5 Years | % | 33.7 | 29.1 | 0 | 100 |
Weighted Average Debt Expiry, WADE | year | 3.22 | 3.16 | 1 | 6.3 |
Diversification Profile:
Diversification Profile
Major Sector Contribution
2nd Sector Contribution
Top Geographical Contribution
Top Property Contribution
Top Tenant Contribution
Top 10 Tenants Contribution
Income Support/Distribution:
Income Support/Distribution | Value | Remark |
Ascendas REIT | 2% | Estimated from Annual Report |
BHG Retail REIT | 14.54% | |
Cache Logistics Trust | 3.40% | |
Dasin Retail Trust | 38.42% | |
Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust | 3.47% | |
OUE Commercial REIT | 13.67% | |
Sasseur REIT | NA | Previous FY 0%, Current FY not Disclosed |
General Highlight:
With average P/NAV at 1.10, SREIT sector is slightly overvalue now, however, SREITs dividend yield remain attractive as compared to dividend stocks. Most SREITs with market cap more than S$ 3 billions only give less than 5% dividend yield now, besides Ascendas REIT, Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust, OUE Commercial Trust & Suntec REIT. Parkway Life REIT with market cap S$ 2 billions currently at 3.33% yield.
General Highlight:
With average P/NAV at 1.10, SREIT sector is slightly overvalue now, however, SREITs dividend yield remain attractive as compared to dividend stocks. Most SREITs with market cap more than S$ 3 billions only give less than 5% dividend yield now, besides Ascendas REIT, Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust, OUE Commercial Trust & Suntec REIT. Parkway Life REIT with market cap S$ 2 billions currently at 3.33% yield.
Lease Profile Highlight:
Median occupancy rate is 96.74%, only Sabana REIT & Soilbuild REIT have less than 90% occupancy rate. Median WALE is 4.05 years, retail REIT generally has shorter WALE, with Frasers Centrepoint Trust and Sasseur REIT WALE have WALE less than 2 years.
Debt Profile Highlight:
Median interest cover at 4.66, only Dasin Retail Trust has interest cover ratio less than 3. Most REIT has high fixed debt, with median at 78.9%. SREITs with less than 50% fixed debt are BHG Retail REIT, Dasin Retail Trust, EC World REIT and Sasseur REIT, all pure China properties. Median gearing ratio is 36.2%, with only ESR-REIT and OUE Commercial Trust are over 40%. Median WADE is 3.16 year, with BHG Retail REIT and Sabana REIT less than 2 years.
Diversification Profile Highlight:
Median top geographical contribution is 62.54%, you could refer here for how I classified this. Currently there are 12 SREITs that have their geographical contribution more than 90%. Median top property contribution is 25.13% where BHG Retail REIT, Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust, SPH REIT and Suntec REIT have more than 50% contribution from their flagship property. Median top 10 tenants is 37.69%; there are 10 SREITs with top 10 tenants contribute more than 80% of their income.
Income Support/Distribution Highlight:
Those with less than 5% is not a big concern as it won't have much impact when the support is ended. You could refer here for my previous post on income support. BHG Retail REIT income support of approx. 15% will reduced to approx. 5% for year 2020 and then end at same year. Dasin Retail Trust income support of approx. 38% will reduced to approx. 30% for year 2020, the % is different from IPO prospectus due to enlarged unit base. For OUE Commercial Trust, current income support receivable left about 20 millions. If based on the recent draw down rate of 4 millions per quarter, the last income support would be on 4Q 2020.
As SREITs result announcement for 4Q 2019 is around the corner, you could refer to SREITs Result Date page for their result announcement date.
Debt Profile Highlight:
Median interest cover at 4.66, only Dasin Retail Trust has interest cover ratio less than 3. Most REIT has high fixed debt, with median at 78.9%. SREITs with less than 50% fixed debt are BHG Retail REIT, Dasin Retail Trust, EC World REIT and Sasseur REIT, all pure China properties. Median gearing ratio is 36.2%, with only ESR-REIT and OUE Commercial Trust are over 40%. Median WADE is 3.16 year, with BHG Retail REIT and Sabana REIT less than 2 years.
Diversification Profile Highlight:
Median top geographical contribution is 62.54%, you could refer here for how I classified this. Currently there are 12 SREITs that have their geographical contribution more than 90%. Median top property contribution is 25.13% where BHG Retail REIT, Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust, SPH REIT and Suntec REIT have more than 50% contribution from their flagship property. Median top 10 tenants is 37.69%; there are 10 SREITs with top 10 tenants contribute more than 80% of their income.
Income Support/Distribution Highlight:
Those with less than 5% is not a big concern as it won't have much impact when the support is ended. You could refer here for my previous post on income support. BHG Retail REIT income support of approx. 15% will reduced to approx. 5% for year 2020 and then end at same year. Dasin Retail Trust income support of approx. 38% will reduced to approx. 30% for year 2020, the % is different from IPO prospectus due to enlarged unit base. For OUE Commercial Trust, current income support receivable left about 20 millions. If based on the recent draw down rate of 4 millions per quarter, the last income support would be on 4Q 2020.
As SREITs result announcement for 4Q 2019 is around the corner, you could refer to SREITs Result Date page for their result announcement date.
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