REIT-TIREMENT - REITs Investing & Personal Finance

REITs investing & personal finance

S-REITs Dashboard

This dashboard is designed for easy navigation and provides a structured view of key REIT metrics. For the best experience, use a desktop or tablet. Mobile users can enhance readability by switching to landscape mode.

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Part - 1 of 2 - Stats, Note & 19 Counters 

Part - 2 of 2 - 20 Counters


  1. Wow these are really very valuable data! Thank you!

    1. Glad that you like it, please feel it to share it.

  2. Would like to ask where did you get the land lease expiry data from?
    Especially for CMT, can't seem to find it anywhere

    1. Manually calculated from Annual report, then minus 0.25 every quarter. Then when new annual report is out, re-count again.

  3. Happy to see the data in such user interface ��

  4. Love this dashboard! Just a little feedback, maybe showing all the counters or a drop down field instead of side scrolling will be easier to find and select?

    1. Glad that you like it. My source Google sheet got such function, but when embedded in Google sheet, drop down can't work. Is the limitations on blogger site.

  5. Hi Vince,
    Thank you for this very useful dashboard. May i know for your calculation on dividend yield & Price/NAV High & Low, is it calculated daily or based on quarterly?

    1. I am happy that you find it useful. I think you are referring to the Price Relative Chart Average Dividend Yield and Average Price/NAV section. Since it is average value of each quarter, the high low will only be updated quarterly. So you may come across "current" value is not within the high and low range.

  6. Great site Vince, keep it up

    1. Thanks for your compliment

    2. any plans to include other business trusts into the dashboard? but i would imagine its a lot of extra work

    3. So far I only find 2 BizTrusts operate similar to REITs, which are AIT and DRT. As for other business trust, since their business model are different, those figures in dashboard may not be suitable.

  7. Very informative site for someone like me who is getting exposed to investments only recently. Thanks for the great work Vince.

    1. haha, glad that helps. Good to read the post "suggestions to new reits investors" as well

  8. What does the red portion of the barchart mean? For example gearing ratio, its written 41%, and blue bar is up to 41%. And there's a red bar that extends up to 50%.

    1. Haha. Someone asked before. The red bar is to show the limits of it. E.g. gearing limit max at 50%, fixed rate debt max is 100%. I have tried but couldn't but different text on red portion.

  9. It will be even better if there is a ranking table so that we can see at a glance which is the best SREITS in terms of undervalued price, yield, gearing ratio, price/NAV

    1. Undervalue or not is quite subjective. You could refer to my SREITs Data page for all SREITs price, yield, gearing ratio, price/NAV and etc. Click SREITs Info -> SREITs Data. I sort according to alphabet. So far blogspot not allow user to interact with google sheet table, not like wordpress with table plugin

  10. Thank you Vince. For the invaluable dashboard. What is the formula for distribution on capital and distribution margin please? I can't confirm it anywhere!!

    1. 1) Distribution on Capital = Distribution to Unitholders / (Equity + Debt)
      * Exclude non-controlling interest
      2) Distribution Margin = Distribution to Unitholders / (Gross Revenue from Properties + Distributions from Associate/Joint Venture)

      You could refer to my previous post of Uncommon Financial Metrics of REITs for more detail. I have trimmed the distribution margin to exclude interest income & any recurring income as most SREITs which adopted half-yearly reporting do not declare this info quarterly anymore.

  11. Replies
    1. Glad it helps. Do verify data before make any decision. I might be wrong.

  12. Great Work!
    May I know how you import price data from InvestingNote? Thanks.

    1. In Google Sheet, input the following formula:
      Replace the SGX:O5RU to your desired stock quote, then you are good to go.

    2. Thanks a lot! I just update my worksheet.

    3. Btw, better to also look at other markets, eg. US and China, many great companies

    4. Glad the formula helps. There are indeed many good oversea counters. But just focus on SREITs already taken up most of my free time.

  13. Thai is amazing work. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks for compliment, though I noticed that now people only look at "data" tab instead of individual SREITs tab.

  14. wow this is amazing, if only i found out about this earlier! thanks for the effort!

    1. Thanks for compliment. Please share to your friends so they can know this blog "earlier" too.

  15. This is amazing work! How often do you keep it updated? I guess it keeps you busy during the quarterly reporting period.

    1. Thanks for compliment. I normally update within next day of announce release. Unless there is cases where many REITs released in same day, like the 23th July-8 REITS, and this coming 28th July - 5 REITs

  16. this is a very good dashboard... thanks so much for doing this.

    1. Glad that helps, please share to your friends if you find this useful

  17. must give you thumb up for sharing, could you show how to calculate the ICR? thanks in advance

    1. Thanks for compliment. MAS recently issued a standardize formula for ICR on 16 Apr 2020, as quoted below:
      "Interest coverage ratio (or ICR) means a ratio that is calculated by dividing the trailing 12 months earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (excluding effects of any fair value changes of derivatives and investment properties, and foreign exchange translation), by the trailing 12 months interest expense and borrowing-related fees."
      SREITs have adopted this calculation in their latest result, so manual calculation is no longer required at our end.

  18. Hi Vince, may I know:
    1) What is GRI ? Group......? What does it means?
    2) How to do you calculate Distribution margin%? What is the formula?

    Thank you

    1. GRI = Gross Rental Income
      Distribution Margin = Distribution margin is calculated based on past 4 quarters distributions and gross revenue+distributon from joint venture/associate, excluding income support and distribution from asset disposal.

      For more detail, you can refer to the note tab which I explain on how I get those data. Let me know if you find any missing definition.

  19. Hi Vince,
    Under Related Parties Shareholding,
    1)the Directors of REIT Manager %, can you explain this part?
    If I see 20%, does it means that Directors of REIT Manager hold 20% of entire REIT?

    2) REIT Manager shows another %. A bit confuse.
    Please help to explain. Thank you.

    1. REIT manager is refer to the "company" which manage the REIT, for example, ARA LOGOS Logistics Trust Management Limited is the REIT manager for ARALOGOS Logistics Trust. As for Directors of REIT manager is refer to "person" who are director level at the "company" which manage REIT.

      Is my explanation clear?

    2. Very clear. Thank you very much.

  20. Would it be possible to include the 3 SG REITS ETFs in this Dashboard?
    It will certainly be wonderful if it is.

    1. The informatio for the 3 REIT ETF would be different from dashboard items, so would need to review and design a new layout. Let me think about it.

  21. hello Vince, looking at the one year +1 SD P/NAV for KDC REIT and think there may be a typo. it has the same value as the three year +1 SD P/NAV.

    1. I just check, the data is correct, both are similar. 1y = 2.333 while 3y = 2.326. The table is auto generate instead of manual key in.

  22. hello Vince, are you going to include digital core reit in your s-reits dashboard?

  23. I am new to your site. Looks like a full time job here. Fantastic amount of work. Great work.

    1. Thanks for the compliment. My full time job is not related to financial line though. Anyway, pls help to share to ur like-minded friends.

  24. The key indicators provide optimal focal point🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and the key statistics provides a good🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 overall evaluation of the individual reit👍👍, aids in decision making. Appreciate the hard effort.

    1. Thanks for your compliment. Please help to share it to your like-minded frens.

  25. Hi Vince, been searching for high & low for quality S-REIT info since investing in them a year ago until I discovered your blog via Dividend Uncle. Very generous of you willing to share these info. Keep up with the good work.

    1. Hi, thanks for your compliment. I also appreciate Dividend Uncle's help to feature my website in his videos. Do help to share my site to your like-minded friends. Thanks
