REIT-TIREMENT - REITs Investing & Personal Finance

REITs investing & personal finance

S-REITs Data

This resource offers a detailed breakdown of each REIT to help you make informed, data-driven decisions. Access it on a desktop or tablet for the best experience. Mobile users can improve readability by switching to landscape mode.

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Price Performance, Overview, Key Indicators, Relative & Distribution Breakdown
Name Price 1 Day 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years YTD
Name Div. Freq. Prim. Sector Sec. Sector Prim. Country Price Div. Yield P/NAV Mkt. Cap, B
Name Occupancy WALE Gearing Adj. ICR WADM Prop. Yield Top 5 Props. Top 10 Tenants
Name Price 52 Wks Range 52 Wks % Div. Yield - 1Y Div. Yield - 3Y Div. Yield - 5Y P/NAV - 1Y P/NAV - 3Y P/NAV - 5Y
Name Operating Distribution Proportion Management Fees Paid in Units Income Support Divestment Proceeds Retention (Nett) Distribution to Perpetual Securities Holders

* All information is based on best effort without any guarantee on accuracy & reliability. 
** Dividend yield is calculated based on the trailing 12 months, incorporating quarterly indicative DPU and excluding advanced DPU.


  1. very useful info. especially during the exciting covid19 sgx period

    1. Thanks for compliment. You could visit SREITs dashboard page under SREITs Info for more detail. Please share it if you find my blog useful.

  2. wow, this is great stuff! Thanks for your efforts to compile this list.

    1. Do you know where I can find "AFFO/FFO yield" and "Dividend payout ratio" for S-REITs?

    2. FFO is similar to operating cashflow, whereas AFFO is similar to Free cash flow. I have never use either as SREITs cashflow is generally quite consistent. There is another problem for calculating AFFO/Free cash flow when REITs doesn't separate their CAPEX for their development work and properties.

      For dividend payout ratio, formula is dividend divided by net income. REITs net income generally consist of valuation gain/loss which will skew the result. Instead, I use the distribution margin, which formula = distribution / gross revenue + distribution from joint venture/associate.

  3. thank you for the very useful info.
    wld you consider to include data for other trust, such as netlink trust, kep infra trust?

    1. As some information are not applicable to business trusts, so I wouldn't add. However, there are 2 exceptions, which are Ascendas India Trust and Dasin Retail Trust, both operate similar way as REIT

  4. Hi Vince, thank you for your excellent work and generosity. May I know if this can be saved as a pdf?

    1. As it is embeded in web, you can't do that directly. But you can try snip or screenshot then combine in mspaint.

  5. Hi Vince, is it possible to have a snapshot of what i will be getting if i sign up for SREITs Dashboard PDF and SREITs Data Excel. If I triall out for the first month and decide to stop, is it possible?

    1. Thanks for your interest, I have added the some snapshots in the "support me" page. Basically, SREITs Dashboard PDF content is same as per what you could view in my analysis post as well as SREITs Dashboard page. SREITs Data Excel is the past 5 years detail data for all the metrics presented in SREITs Dashboard.

      For Patreon, you could sign up and cancel it anytime. Patrons are charged immediately to join, and then on the 1st of each month following their initial membership payment. Unless cancelled, your membership will automatically renew on the 1st of each month.

  6. Hello Vince, enjoy reading your articles. Could u elaborate a bit the meaning of Distribution of Capital & Distribution Margin. Thanks

    1. Hi Johnny,
      Distribution over Gross Income (Distribution Margin)
      Formula: Distribution to Unitholders (exclude income support and top-up from disposal( / (Gross Revenue from Properties + Distributions from Associate/Joint Venture)

      Distribution over Capital
      Formula: Distribution to Unitholders / (Equity + Debt)
      Equity to include net asset value attribute to unitholders + perpetual securities holders + preferred stock holders

      You could try to refer to the infographic here for easier understanding.

  7. Thanks so much for your prompt reply. Johnny
