REIT-TIREMENT - REITs Investing & Personal Finance

REITs investing & personal finance

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Singapore REITs Ex-Dividend & Payment Calendar (Updated July 2023)

There have been changes in dividend frequency and renaming for some REITs since the previous post in Oct 2022. Below, you will find the updated info for 33 REITs, 5 stapled Hospitality Trusts (combination of REIT & BizTrust) and 1 BizTrust that operates similarly to REITs.

Before, I used the words "early," "mid," and "late" to refer to different parts of a month. "Early" meant the first 10 days, "mid" meant days 11 to 20, and "late" referred to days 21 to 31. However, because of some changes in the REITs schedule and to provide a more better representation, I have now replaced those terms with "1H" (first half) for the initial part of the month and "2H" (second half) for the latter part.

If you prefer the calendar type, see below:

Please be aware that the dates mentioned above are just general reference points. REITs have the flexibility to change these dates as they see fit. To find the most up-to-date ex-dividend months, visit the SREITs Data page. Additionally, you can refer to the SREITs Results Date for the release date of individual REITs' results. That's all for today's information. If you found this post useful, feel free to share it with others.

For more information, check out:

SREITs Dashboard - Detailed information on individual Singapore REIT

SREITs Data - Overview and details of Singapore REIT

REIT Review - List of previous REIT review posts

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*Disclaimer: The information presented on this blog is for educational and informational purposes only. The materials, including research and opinions, are based solely on my findings and should not be considered professional financial advice or a definitive statement of fact. I cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided. I shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions, or losses that may occur as a result of using the information presented on this blog. It should be noted that the information presented on this blog does not constitute a buy, sell, or hold recommendation for any security. It is crucial to conduct your own thorough research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.


  1. Thank for this overview, always something I was looking for! It’s a shame some of the best reits have moved from quarterly to semi annually, now it’s very heavy on 2-3 months

    1. Glad that u like that. I miss those quarterly distribution days too. All this shifted after sgx implemented half yearly reporting.


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