REIT-TIREMENT - REITs Investing & Personal Finance

REITs investing & personal finance

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

SREITs Data Updates - Added Comparison Tables of Various REITs

After many rounds of comparison posts, I have decided to automate all these comparison tables with Google Spreadsheet which was done manually by Excel previously. This spreadsheet is shared on SREITs Data page, it comes with an index page and different tabs for different comparisons. The details would be the same as my comparison posts, with conditional formatting, but exclude the growth trend and summary. Below is the index page snapshot, those short forms on the left are individual tab names.

Currently, the spreadsheet covers the following comparisons:

Sector Comparison

  1. China Retail Focused SREITs/BizTrust 
  2. European Office SREITs
  3. Hospitality Trusts
  4. Logistics REITs
  5. Industrial REITs below 4 Billion Market Cap
  6. Industrial REITs above 4 Billion Market Cap
  7. Singapore Retail Focused REITs
  8. Singapore Office Focused REITs
  9. U.S. Office REITs
Sponsor Group Comparison
  1. ARA Group's REITs
  2. CapitaLand Group's REITs
  3. Frasers Group's REITs
  4. Keppel Group's REITs
  5. Lippo Group's REITs
  6. Mapletree Group's REITs

This spreadsheet would have a live price, dividend yield, P/NAV and market cap. Those fundamental detail would be updated quarterly and the relative section would be updated monthly. What are you waiting for? Quickly go to SREITs Data page to take a look.

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